Legend of Zelda Curse of the GameCube

Creepypasta.wikia.com didn't let me publish my true events so I came here to tell my story
OK basically I just got done playing Legend of Zelda on a GameCube I bought at gamestop (I have collectors edition) and MANY weird things began to happen.
Ok so basicly I bought an old gamecube from my gamestop inside my mall hoping I could go back home and have a good time beating all the Zelda games. Well I bought one and when I opened the box and bag everything looked A-Ok. I got the box opened.It was a silver gamecube with a purple controller. When I got it plugged up I popped the game disc in as well as my controller and MadCatz Memory Card. I wanted to test it out to see how good it worked so I did. I went over to Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I looked at the picture though and all that was there was Epona. I thought this was just a glitch due to the scratched up disc. So with that I continued.
It took me to the main screen and it my old file was there however I had already beat it and it said I didn't have any spiritual stones or sage medals. I just hit the A button and continued. It took me to links hut in the forest. No text box popped up, and link did not move. The screen flashed to where he saw Gannondorf chase Zelda on the horse. It only showed Gannon run out of the castle on foot holding the Ocarina of Time. I knew after this something was wrong with my game. I reached for the power button and a text box popped up with Gannon saying Reach for that and your next. He looked where my GameCube was put and he laughed. Link ran away to Lon-Lon Ranch and no words popped up how it would normally. When he got there the gate was closed and Talon and Ingo was on the inside. Just looking at Link. It would let me play as Link. He had the Master Sword, Heros Shield, and Heros Bow. Now I know what your thinking the heros shield and hero's bow isn't even in the game. I think it was the Hylian Shield with a bad texture.
Anyways... I could talk to Talon and Ingo. Talon said It left in the middle of the night. Ingo said I can't beilive she's gone. It let me go to anouther box and he said Malon was the only one around here who screwed up more then Talon. Then Talon asked for Links sword it would let me pick yes or no. Outta curiosity I picked yes and he reached through the gate and got the sword. He turned to Ingo and sliced him with the sword two times. While doing this his audio from waking him up with the chicken was played and it was distorted. This was as gruesome of a scene from any zelda game I have ever seen. I heard a knock at my door so I just left my chair and went to my door it was a UPS man and he just left the package the there. He didn't even wait for me to come outside and sign for it. He actually seemed as if he was in a hurry. The box was decently large 2 feet across 2 feet tall. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to check in it yet because of all the strange things happening to me.
I decided I would get some food and a bit of soda before I continued to play my game or even check the box. I brought the box inside and just wondered what could it of been. Last thing I remember ordering from Amazon was a TV which arrived the day before and last thing I got from Ebay was a pair of Jordons. Anyways I went to my kitchen and got me some microwave pizza and some mountain dew. I called my buddy and told him what was going on. After atleast 5 minutes I facetimed him. He looked like someone jumped him. I asked him what happened to you. He told me some man ran up to him and beat him up until the cops showed up. It took 3 officers to break the mans grip. Then when he got home his girlfriend thought he was cheating on him and hit him good. I just thought how lucky I was when I heard his luck. I finally told him about my GameCube and the strange happenings on the game. He thought I may of gotten and bootlegged copy. I never thought about that. Then I told him about the package. He asked if I had ordered anything from any shopping sites. I told him no almost immediately. He began to wonder what was in this box too. So I put my phone on a makeshift bi-pod (mostly old books) and put it to where he could see the box enough.
I opened it with a knife to get off the tape. When I got the tape off I saw what it was. There was another box inside it. I took the tape on this off and it had a little necklace box. It said handle with care with a note that said To whom it may concern, You are In terrible daNGer. I know the game seems peaceful but it IS DEAD. Me and my friend couldn't believe what it said. I heard the Gannondorf laugh again from my TV which was muted and 3 rooms away. My friend searched the letter up then I saw something on the note. It was an ano-gram (An ano-gram is a coded message) every now and again it would have a capitol letter I put this together and it said INGO IS DEAD. I looked in the necklace box and it was a pendant that looked bloody and worn. It had a note attached to the other side. It said that day the anger consumed me, I couldn't put up with him anymore, this is yours now for that act earlier.
I picked up my phone and ran back to the chair and looked on my TV I was in awe when I saw that Talon was still there looking down at ingo. When he looked up he had no pendant anymore. I knew the game was connected with that pendant. I still had the pendant on my hand and held it up. I held it up much like how Link would after receiving something. I just laughed a little about what was happening. I forgot though about my phone and it was still on face-time however my friend was no longer there. It said I was still talking to him. I look in the background of the call there was broken glass and a notice of eviction on his fridge. I knew he wasn't there anymore so I just hung up the phone.
I finally played again when I got back to it. Talon was still there and I could chose to go back to hyrule field I went and it skipped Navi disappeared and Link no longer had his hat just yellow hair behind him. Gannon appeared and the game stopped. I tried to restart it but it said the disc couldn't be read I looked at the gamecube and checked the game. It was flipped around completely. I popped it back in. No Nintedo or anything it went straight to Ocarina of Time. Now Link was hatless and Navi-less he had a grey tunic on and his hair was white. It seemed as if he aged and was 60.
I also couldn't do backflips or roll. If I tried he would just fall down and couldn't get back up. It seemed like the game was twisted, or upside down. It took me to hyrule castle Zelda was aged too but seemed younger. I couldn't believe my eyes. Was Link aging faster then the rest of the characters. Well I wasn't sure but I did take the gamecube and game back almost half an hour after this happened. I was able to get 30 bucks back. and I wrote this for one reason and one reason only. To warn you. Gamestop switched inventory with others from what I have heard. If you get a silver gamecube and purple controller plus Zelda Collectors edition check the serial number/proof of purchase. If they are: GameCube DS366659231 the controller says have fun on the bottom with markers and serial number on the game is 13666 01010 you are the next victim of LoZCoTGC.
Ever since these strange accurances I haven't seen my friend and I haven't been able to find the pendent. I fear someone else may of found their curse. I can't explain what happened